Name of the faculty : MS. DEEPIKA GOYAL
Discipline : CSE
Semester : VIIth sem
Lesson plan duration : From AUG. 2018 to NOV. 2018
Work load lecture per week (in hours) : 4 Lectures
Week Theory Practical
Lecture Day Topic(including assignement/ test) Practical Day Topic
1 1  Introduction to compilers, Compilers and translators, need of translators 1 Introduction to Compiler
3  Structure of compiler its different phases, Symbol Table Management, Grouping of phases into passes, Compiler construction tools.
4 Role of lexical analyzer: Lexical analysis vs Parsing, Tokens, Patterns, Lexeme,  Attributes for tokens, A language specifying lexical analyzer
2 5  Design of lexical analyzer:Structure of LA,Implementing lookahead operator, regular expressions 2 Design DFA for even no of 0 an1
6 Finite automata-DFA,NDFA, conversion from regular expression to finite automata
7 conversion  finite automata  to regular expression,Minimizing number of states
8 Role of Parsers ,error recovery strategies
3 9 Context free grammars: definition,derivations,parse trees and derivations,ambiguity, 3 Design DFA for oddno of 0 an1
10 Bottom up Parsing:-Shift reduce parsing,
12 conflicts during shift reduce parsing
4 13 4 Design of dfa for regular expression
14 Operator precedence parsing
15 Top down parsing –Recursive Descent Parsing,
16 First and follow
5 17 Non recursive Predictive parsing,error recovery in predictive parsing 5 Design of dfa for regular expression
18 Revision of Parsing Technique
19 LR Parsers , Parsing algo,Behaviour pf LR parsers
20 LR Parsers contd,
6 21 SLR Parsers: Constructing SLR Parsing Table 6 Design of dfa for regular expression
22 LALR Parsers ,constrcting LALR Parsing Tables
24 Canonical LR Parsers,
7 25 7 Design ofNDFA for regular expression
26 Revision of Parsers
28 Syntax Directed Translations: Syntax directed definition, construction of syntax trees
8 29 Syntax directed translation scheme, implementation of syntax directed translation 8 Design of NDFA for regular expression
30 Three address code, quadruples and triples
31 Symbol tables, its contents
9 32 Data structure for symbol tables; trees, arrays, 9
33 Linked lists, hash tables
10 35 Errors  lexical phase error, syntactic phase error,semantic error. 10
37 Code generation, forms of objects code
38 Machine dependent code, optimization,
11 39 11
40 Register allocation for temporary and user defined variables.
41  Revision