Name of the faculty : SATISH SEHRAWAT
Discipline : Computer Science
Semester : VIIth
Subject : DOS
Lesson plan duration : July18 – Oct18
Work load lecture per week (in hours) : 4 Lectures
Week Theory Practical
Lecture Day Topic(including assignement/ test) Practical Day Topic
1 1 Introduction to distributed operating system
2 Goals of distributed system
3 hardware and software concepts of dos
4 design issues of dos
2 5 communication in dos layered protocol based osi
6 client server communication model
7 atm networks
8 group communication
3 9 remote procedure calls
10 middleware distributed system
11 revision of unit 1 and assignment
12 unit 1 test
4 13 synchronization in distributed system
14 clock sysnchronization in dos
15 mutual exclusion
16 election algo, bully algo
5 17 ring algorithm atomic transactions
18 deadlock in distributed system
19 prevention,detection of deadlock
20 assignment section-b and revision
6 21 test section – b
22 process and processors in distributed system
23 threads and system models
24 processor allocation model
7 25 scheduling in distributed system
26 real time distributed system
27 distributed file system design and implementation
28 trends in distributed file system
8 29 assignment section-c and revision
30 test section – c
31 shared memory concept in distributed system
32 consistency models
9 33 page based distributed shared memory
34 shared variables distributed memory
35 revision last topics
36 introduction to mach
10 37 process management in mach
38 communication in mach
39 unix emulation in mach
40 assignment and section d revision